Binge Eating Disorder Patient Manual


Making Changes for Binge Eating Disorder Patient Manual by Dr. Michele Laliberte, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Binge eating disorder patient manual for use in group-based, cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders.

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The Making Changes for Binge Eating Disorder patient manual supports a specialized treatment program designed specifically to meet the needs of individuals with Binge Eating Disorder (BED). The psycho-education begins by looking at the nature of BED, and then moves to address the issues of weight management (and in particular, weight loss) in detail. Group members are given updated information on different recommended weight management options (healthy living; weight loss through lifestyle change; weight loss with the use of medications; weight loss through bariatric surgery), with particular emphasis on what is known for people with Binge Eating Disorder. Group members choose the weight management approach they feel is right for them. Group members plan their eating and activity; use self-monitoring to track eating and symptoms and learn skills to manage practical, emotional and interpersonal triggers.  In the final weeks, body image is addressed.

  • 148 pages
  • 24# Hammermill laser printed both sides
  • spiral bound with 12# Carolina covers