Body Image Patient Manual


“Body Image” Patient Manual by Dr. Michele Laliberte, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Body Image patient manual for use in group-based, cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders.

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The Body Image patient manual is specialized cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for body image concerns experienced by individuals with eating disorders.  This is a 10-week group that helps patients bridge from treatment focused on symptom change, to treatment focused on addressing body image concerns.  Group members learn to address the cognitive aspects of body dissatisfaction.  They then focus on managing checking and avoidance behaviors.  Group members learn how to address days where they “feel fat”.  Special topics include dealing with media, with shopping for clothes, and with friends and family who may say things that trigger dissatisfaction.

  • 75 pages
  • 24# Hammermill laser printed both sides
  • spiral bound with 12# Carolina covers